Moonlit Memories °

Mystical light in the lonely, foggy night - minimalist, AI glitch art | Wall Art

The Art of Solitude

Dark Moody New Media Art Engaging with the Aesthetics of Aloneness

Moonlit Memories is a personal art project showcasing dark moody neo-noir style new media art that revolves around the theme of solitude and aloneness.

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Mysterious character in the nocturnal, orange glowing misty forest, neo-noir art | Wall Art

The Artists Theme

The artwork is characterized by atmospheric quiet cityscapes and nature landscapes immersed in mist, through which mysterious, almost ghostly characters wander. Places that we don't notice in everyday life are given a tranquil, magical, dream-like atmosphere by night-time lighting and thick fog that touches something in the soul.

Not only mundane places are subject of the works, but also vast dystopian cities and places exposed to decay.

The main themes are solitude, loneliness and coming to terms with yourself and your environment.

The works are created with the use of modern AI image creation tools combined with manual refining work in Photoshop.

Do you feel lonely and alone at the same time? Can you embrace solitude? Do you take enough time for yourself and think about what you really need and want to do? Isn't it liberating to feel good when you're all alone?

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Who is behind the New Media AI Art of Moonlit Memories?

Moonlit Memories is a passionate personal art project of German 80s kid Dennis Meene, currently working as a coder in a web agency. With a love for visual aesthetics [ mostly dark and minimalist ] and a strong interest in AI [ artificial intelligence ] and [ future ] technology, Moonlit Memories is a place for thoughts coming to life with the cooperation of human and machine.

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Dennis Meene – Founder of Moonlit Memories

What is AI Art?

[ pushing the limits of art ]

AI [ artificial intelligence ] art refers to art created neither with traditional tools [ such as pen, brush or camera ] nor with new digital tools [ such as Photoshop and/or graphics tablet ]. Artificial intelligence is now at a level that enables people to create images using software such as Midjourney, Dall-E or Stable Diffusion alone. A neural network has been fed with a large number of images on the basis of which artificial intelligence can recognize motifs, media and styles.

With the help of text input, the human controls the artificial intelligence, which then generates images based on the input. These inputs can be extremely short or extremely detailed and formulated, as well as setting technical parameters such as the desired image format or reference images for the desired composition and style.

While the debate about whether this type of creation can still be called "art" is very heated, I believe that AI art is an unprecedented type of art form that raises not only purely artistic questions but also profound philosophical ones: Is the human still the artist, or much more the machine? How many tools are artists allowed to use so that their works can still be described as "made by them"? Isn't AI art an interplay of lyrical and visual art? Are artificial intelligences shaking up the anthropocentric view of the world?

I believe that AI tools enable many people to bring their ideas or thoughts to life in a very accessible and playful way which is an enrichment to the art world.

Whatever your opinion might be: AI art has come to stay and will have its place in the art scene.